You also need to consider that you will probably end up with books by the same author or from the same series placed randomly on different shelves, especially if you’ve amassed them over time and the cover designs have changed. If you usually organise your books alphabetically or by genre, hell even the Dewey decimal system, then this probably isn’t for you. How organised are you?Ĭolour coding is a form of organisation, but it isn’t really compatible with other methods as it focuses more on aesthetics. It’s an easy project, but there are a few things to consider before you get started.
If you’ve ever considered colour coding your shelves, it does give the room a bright, bold look and it also works as a talking point for guests. A funky little diner known for its brunch and burgers, the café has really fun décor, but the highlight is the wrap around bookshelf that winds around the central counter, with the books organised by colour. There are plenty of examples of striking shelves on Pinterest, but it was on holiday in Iceland that I was inspired by the beautifully co-ordinated bookshelves in The Laundromat Café in Reykjavik. Moving house recently was the excuse I needed to make it a reality – as well as buying some nice new furniture to accommodate everything! For years I’ve been dreaming about colour coding my bookshelves.